Markus Naves Presents - FREE 5-Day Be The Reason Challenge

FREE CHALLENGE: Presented By Markus Naves - High Ticket Affiliate Marketer

Attention: Affiliate Marketers, Network Marketers, Course Creators & Online Entrepreneurs!


Hangout With Me For 5 Short Days As I Expose:

 "The Hidden Strategy That Super Affiliates Won’t Tell You About That Will Exponentially Grow Your Affiliate Commissions On Autopilot Without Paid Ads "

(This Works Even If You Are Brand New And Don't Know Where To Start!)

Join The 5-Day BTR Challenge (For FREE)


Get Access To My Best Training For Free!

LIVE Challenge April 19th - 23rd


00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Hangout With Me For 5 Short Days As I Expose:

 "The Hidden Strategy That Super Affiliates Won’t Tell You About That Will Exponentially Grow Your Affiliate Commissions On Autopilot Without Paid Ads "

(This Works Even If You Are Brand New And Don't Know Where To Start!)


Get Access To My Best Training For FREE!

Markus Naves

High Ticket Affiliate Marketer

What's Up Everybody!

I'm Markus Naves and I am on a mission to free entrepreneurs who feel stuck in the repetition of life as the years keep passing by. I understand that getting started online can seem damn near impossible.

After being fired from my construction job and becoming a stay at home dad in 2017 I was forced into the online game without any knowledge or no how... I've tried SEO, affiliate marketing, network marketing, selling coaching  programs, building websites, you name it,  I HAD TRIED AND FAILED.

After giving up several times, I discovered a product called Clickfunnels. I fell in love with the software, which helped me setup my entire business (including this website) so that I could sell my products and services without having to learn any complicated tech.

Now, I shorten the learning curve for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to learn these tools and
resources to grow their business online. I have created several online resources to assist you in getting straight to the point, click by click tutorials that will walk you from A-Z.

What You're Going To Learn

Be You. They'll Adjust!

We start Day 1 of the challenge off with a BANG! I'll be  showing you why the old way of being an affiliate/network marketer is DEAD! 

From talking to friends and family, 3 way phone calls, home parties, hotels meetings, messenger prospecting to send people a bridge page that is outdated and doesn't sell. 

I'll show you the new way affiliate/network marketers have to adjust to in order to survive in the industry.

This will be the only 'lecture day', as everything else in this challenge will be actually IMPLEMENTING what you learn each day!

Understand The Game Plan

So now that you understand WHY the old school way is DEAD it's time to learn the NEW school game plan you must start using to ensure your future success.

It's time for me to give you the 'Affiliate Profits Playbook' and introduce you to the NEW software that you need to be using in order to have both short term and long term success online.

It's time to understand the game plan and see the BIGGER picture.

Your New Affiliate Profits Funnel

Ok so now you understand the Game plan and know the core principles that sell your offers so you can start seeing results.

Today I will be showing you how to quickly build out the NEW 'Affiliate Profits Funnel' that will prospect, nurture and close sales for you!   

I will also provide you with a simple process of installing your affiliate products/services to your new funnel so you can start to profit when your dream customers take action.

Ignite Your Funnel With Free Traffic

Now that you've created your 'Affiliate Profits Funnel' and have all of your affiliate links installed, the next step is to Ignite your funnel with loads of traffic! 

This funnel is specifically designed to help you convert cold and warm leads so you don't have to spend long hours in messenger trying to close a lead! 

It's time to ignite your funnel with some Free traffic, we will dive deep into where you can find your traffic and how to convert them inside of your funnel!

Ready. Set. Launch

You have adjusted to this new way of affiliate/network marketing.

You have your 'Affiliate Profits Playbook' and understand the strategy of the game.

You have your NEW 'Affiliate Profits Funnel' setup ready to convert leads into sales.

You now know how to Ignite your Funnel with Free Traffic and find your dream customers to get them inside your funnel.

Now that you have everything in place, the last step is to simplify the launch of your funnel! 

Today I will show you how to do simple launches without paid ads that will help you make consistent sales month after month.

Organic strategies that actually work! No need to spend any money to get sales! 

You'll learn the stupid simple tactics that I use to save time, money and energy when launching my funnels!

Markus Naves

High Ticket Affiliate Marketer

What's Up Everybody!

I'm Markus Naves and I am on a mission to free entrepreneurs who feel stuck in the repetition of life as the years keep passing by. I understand that getting started online can seem damn near impossible.

After being fired from my construction job and becoming a stay at home dad in 2017 I was forced into the online game without any knowledge or no how... I've tried SEO, affiliate marketing, network marketing, selling coaching  programs, building websites, you name it,  I HAD TRIED AND FAILED.

After giving up several times, I discovered a product called Clickfunnels. I fell in love with the software, which helped me setup my entire business (including this website) so that I could sell my products and services without having to learn any complicated tech.

Now, I shorten the learning curve for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to learn these tools and
resources to grow their business online. I have created several online resources to assist you in getting straight to the point, click by click tutorials that will walk you from A-Z.

What You're Going To Learn

Be You. They'll Adjust!

We start Day 1 of the challenge off with a BANG! I'll be  showing you why the old way of being an affiliate/network marketer is DEAD! 

From talking to friends and family, 3 way phone calls, home parties, hotels meetings, messenger prospecting to send people a bridge page that is outdated and doesn't sell. 

I'll show you the new way affiliate/network marketers have to adjust to in order to survive in the industry.

This will be the only 'lecture day', as everything else in this challenge will be actually IMPLEMENTING what you learn each day!

Understand The Game Plan

So now that you understand WHY the old school way is DEAD it's time to learn the NEW school game plan you must start using to ensure your future success.

It's time for me to give you the 'Affiliate Profits Playbook' and introduce you to the NEW software that you need to be using in order to have both short term and long term success online.

It's time to understand the game plan and see the BIGGER picture.

Your New Affiliate Profits Funnel

Ok so now you understand the Game plan and know the core principles that sell your offers so you can start seeing results.

Today I will be showing you how to quickly build out the NEW 'Affiliate Profits Funnel' that will prospect, nurture and close sales for you!   

I will also provide you with a simple process of installing your affiliate products/services to your new funnel so you can start to profit when your dream customers take action.

Ignite Your Funnel With Free Traffic

Now that you've created your 'Affiliate Profits Funnel' and have all of your affiliate links installed, the next step is to Ignite your funnel with loads of traffic! 

This funnel is specifically designed to help you convert cold and warm leads so you don't have to spend long hours in messenger trying to close a lead! 

It's time to ignite your funnel with some Free traffic, we will dive deep into where you can find your traffic and how to convert them inside of your funnel!

Ready. Set. Launch

You have adjusted to this new way of affiliate/network marketing.

You have your 'Affiliate Profits Playbook' and understand the strategy of the game.

You have your NEW 'Affiliate Profits Funnel' setup ready to convert leads into sales.

You now know how to Ignite your Funnel with Free Traffic and find your dream customers to get them inside your funnel.

Now that you have everything in place, the last step is to simplify the launch of your funnel! 

Today I will show you how to do simple launches without paid ads that will help you make consistent sales month after month.

Organic strategies that actually work! No need to spend any money to get sales! 

You'll learn the stupid simple tactics that I use to save time, money and energy when launching my funnels!


Meet some of the amazing online entrepreneurs who I have had 
the pleasure of getting to work with in some capacity over the last year.


Meet some of the amazing online entrepreneurs whoI have had 
the pleasure of getting to work with in some capacity over the last year. - All Rights Reserved 2021